Sunday 27 October 2013

Research: Researching Adverts

Before creating adverts it's important to research adverts first.

To start with, here is a 300x600px advert I came across quite recently whilst looking at an article on the MSN website.

It's an advert for the iPhone 5s by Three.

Notably the advert displays these things:
  • Text about the iPhone
  • The price of the iPhone
  • A picture of the iPhone
  • A button to proceed to the Three website
  • The Three logo
  • Small print on the iPhone

These are things of which I can include in my iPhone advert, but may not necessarily.

I have also decided to look at some160x600px adverts. By doing so, I will be able to browse what types of information ads of these sizes produce and come to a suitable conclusion for the advert that I will create of that size.

 Here, the following things are displayed:
  • The company's name
  • A picture of the advertised product
  • A button to the website
  • A slogan of the website
 Something of which cropped up in both adverts is that not only is the button clickable, but also the whole of the advert. This makes it more convenient for the user and would have a higher click through ratio.

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