Saturday 16 November 2013

Working Processes: Creating the Advert - Prototype

My main aim when creating the Prototype was to make sure that I had all the script working and that the scripts used would convert well on Google Swiffy (The SWF to HTML5 converter).

I also added different types of Tweens to each of the Animations used.
  • The first animation I did was a simple 180 degree rotational classic Tween.
  • The second animation I did was a motion tween which was set to 15 rotations.
  • The third animation I did was a classic tween animation going back and forth with the ease feature set to -100 and +100 on the way back.
All of these features worked well as an SWF and worked well once converted to HTML5.

 The HTML5 prototype of which is available to download here.

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