Wednesday 20 November 2013

Working Processes: Creating the Advert - Testing and Finalising

I converted my file into HTML5 using Google Swiffy, what I found was the most practical converter from researching, and everything worked as well as I had hoped.

I went back to my previous blog posts and noticed that there was a piece of information that I had not included yet. I had not added a price, which would help entice the user into wanting to find out more. It would not be detrimental to the project if I had not included this, but it was certainly a good idea to add it.

On the 4th slide of the advert, I moved the image and Find Out More button down a little bit so I would have room to add a price.

On the EE website, I saw that the cheapest deal advertised for the iPhone 5s from there website was £19.99. So this was what I added to my advert.

I put the price in a yellow circle, which was the same yellow used on the EE website,and then animated it in just after the iPhone picture appears, right before the Find Out More button is displayed. The animate for the price was set to rotate and grow as it appeared, I thought that this looked nice and professional.

My advert was then exported and converted into HTML5, below are the previews of the finished product.

 Download available at:

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