Tuesday 19 November 2013

Working Processes: Creating the Advert - Editing Pictures

The next step was getting the suitable pictures and editing out the backgrounds so it can be added to the advert effectively without any use of white around an image.

All images of which had already been found from the research it was just the case of editing them. 3/4 images were from the EE website itself and the other one was from the Apple website.

Typically in order to remove the white background I would use the Colour Range tool under filter, however since the iPhone is a shade of white this proved to be quite tricky even with the "Fuzziness" lowered. Instead I used the Rounded Rectangle Tool which surprisingly fit right over the iPhone and got rid of the space around it. I did this to both phones and went back to the original image to cut out the buttons on the side. This technique saved time and was much faster than using the lasso tool which proves to be quite inaccurate especially when it comes down to the curves.

Each time before removing the background from the images, I used the Refine Edge Tool to make sure that the cut wasn't so drastic. With a little bit of contrast, feather and smooth I ended up with a really good cut out.

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