Wednesday 13 November 2013

Planning: What I want in my Advert

From doing research on both adverts, iPhone 5s and the Apple website here are the features I wish to include, along with my own wants outside of research, for my iPhone 5s advert.
  • At least three slides on information regarding the iPhone
  • Navigation accessible on both top and bottom of the advert
  • My logo
  • The EE logo
  • A button to the EE website
  • A sunburst spinning for aesthetics
  • The whole advert to link to the EE website 
  • Automatically goes onto the next slide after certain time
Having both the whole advert and button point towards the same EE website destination may seem pretty pointless at first glance, however after research noted in previous posts it seems to be the right decision.

The button is there to entice the user and can be quite helpful if the text inside reads "learn more" or something similar.
Having the whole advert click-able is to make it more convenient for the user and the functionality of all interactive / image adverts. Also, in regards to the way I'm creating my advert, the button will not always be displayed, but only on the last slide as the storyboard suggests.

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