Tuesday 19 November 2013

Working Processes: Creating the Advert - Layout

The first thing I done when proceeding to create the advert was change the background colour. It went from #524FA1 to #009C9C. I did this because when doing my research, this was the shade of green which was used to represent EE.

I've also changed the navigation's function, aesthetics and userbility.

Functionally: it changed due to adding one more navigation circle to suit the wire frame I had.
 Aesthetically: I changed it for a few reasons. By adding another circle, it meant that I had to decrease the size of the circles, which worked out for the better since it looked neater and more professional.
Userbility: I also decided to highlight the circle frame the users on with a yellow. Of course for this to help, the user may require some vernacular computer knowledge. It was also yellow to help suit the EE theme.

Just above is how I have the advert as of right now.

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