Wednesday 20 November 2013

Working Processes: Creating the Advert - Adding pictures and text

To add the pictures and text to each slide of the advert, I had to first make sure that they were inside a movieclip first. By having it inside a movieclip in means that the animations can still move even when frozen on a slide. If it was however to be a graphic, something animators typically use, upon stopping on a slide of the advert, the animation wouldn't move and this isn't something I want.

I first added movie clips to each slides (I call them slides because there's multiple frames per slide). Inside these movie clips I added text, about the iPhone 5s, which was found from the EE website. The pictures were then added accordingly.

  • The text was set to fade in and out by tweening the alpha feature of the text.
  • The pictures generally were tweened moving in from the axis and faded out via the alpha tool.
After the animations had been displayed, on each slide apart from the last, I added coding to move it onto the next slide automatically.

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