Tuesday 19 November 2013

Research: Researching the EE Theme Colours

Using the same method as finding out the EE font, I also found what shade of green EE use from the CSS of their website.

There CSS code was as follows:
linear-gradient(to bottom, #009C9C 0px, #36B5B6 100%) repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
box-shadow 0 1px 3px 0 #666666
I can use #009C9C for my background of the advert instead of the current blue I have on the prototype. I can also use #666666 to know how much shadow should be used for the green.

I can also use the yellow (#FFE600) which they've used, throughout their site, for the titles and buttons. This would be useful for a Find Out More button which I will add to my advert at the end of the slides.

I've also noticed that the majority of writing used on the green is white and not yellow, so that would be something to consider when creating the advert.

Here is a picture of all the colours stated above. Of course there are some other colours on the EE website, but they are not so much to do with the EE theme.

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