Wednesday 20 November 2013

Working Processes: Creating the Advert - Adding the button

Inside the movieclip on the 4th slide (frame 15), I added a button which would fade in after the text and image had appeared. Unlike the other slides, the text and image weren't going to fade out and replay another slide, they were instead going to freeze on that slide. Unless of course the user uses the navigation to look at another slide.

The button was made yellow, since when researching the EE website theme colours, yellow was used for the buttons. The button had several states, Up, Over, Down and Hit. When researching the buttons on the EE website, they only had an Up and Over state but not a Down. Since this was the case, I applied the exact same method to my button. I used the same colours as the button were on the EE website.

There wasn't any need to add a hit state as the size of the buttons were precisely the right size that they needed to be. At first I considered making the hit state the whole size of the advert but then that would mean that when the user scrolls over elsewhere on the advert, the button would change to it's over state and this wasn't something I wanted.

I also decided to modify the lines and convert them to fills, under the modify tool, as this made them look much neater and at more of a solid state.

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